through my 12-week personalized, mindfulness based, one to one coaching program, you will Get clear on what you want in your retirement, live a healthier lifestyle, optimize any health conditions, and create your dream retirement plan.

Even though you believe it's impossible?

ready to plan a fulfilling retirement with confidence and ease? 

We know that you are an accomplished woman: 
You're ambitious and forward thinking.   You just don't see yourself retiring and spending your days at home in your pajamas. 

You've worked hard to improve your health over the years but you've been busy and you haven't gotten the results you wanted.  

You've been planning for retirement financially, but you're not sure what you're retiring TO. 

You know what you want for your retirement. But you're worried about your health getting in the way. 

You are lost as to how to improve your energy and overall health so you stifle your retirement dreams. 
You want to finally lose that weight so you can move easier but you have tried all the diets and it doesn't seem possible. 

You want to travel in Europe but you're concerned about joint pain, getting your bags up the stairs, tripping on the cobblestones, keeping track of the bathrooms.

You want to hike the national parks but you don't have the energy to walk up hills.

You want to take up that writing project that has been on the back burner but you don't know if you have what it takes. 

You want to start a retirement business but you don't feel confident you can pull it off. 

You want to have epic adventures with tour groups but you are afraid you will embarrass yourself and hold the others back. 

You want to play pickle ball or golf or go for bike rides but you don't have the stamina.

You secretly have big dreams for this next chapter that feel out of reach because of your health.

You see, I suffered with anxiety.  I tried all the treatments: multiple medications, self-medicating, lots of therapy.  With treatment, I was functional.  But, every day I suffered with the physical and emotional discomfort of the constant worry and panic.  My anxiety stopped me from living my life to the fullest.  

I wanted to retire and start a health coaching business.  As a nurse practitioner, I didn't have the time and freedom to help women the way I wanted: to focus on wellness instead of illness and to explore what a healthy change would look like in their lives.  Over the years, I had become fascinated with behavior change.  I mean, why was it so freaking hard? I researched and read and took courses.  And, I discovered the best way to help women like me and my patients live our lives to the fullest was through coaching.  But, I felt trapped by my anxiety.  So for years, I told myself it wasn't possible. But my dream was always in the back of my mind.   

Then, I discovered the truth that changed my life.  I had spent most of my life focused outwardly: on my roles, my family, my to-do lists, my distractions, my fears. I was disconnected from my deeper authentic self. The real "me." The "I" who felt called to start a business to help women be well and feel fulfilled. 

I wanted to retire. I had secret dreams. But, I couldn't see my way forward. 

I have been there...

And I got to work. 

Over the course of a year, I became more mindfully aware of my thoughts and beliefs and how they were affecting my actions.  I gained a new perspective on my anxiety and I leaned into the mindfulness based therapies that changed my brain.  Over time, my anxiety became manageable and it longer controlled my life.  

Mindful awareness helped me incorporate a healthier lifestyle and I just felt better.  I discovered my own nutritional blueprint and consumed a healthier diet, I increased my activity. I prioritized good sleep. I gained energy and confidence. 
I made a plan to retire and start my passion project: my coaching business.  I hired a business coach who helped me immensely to gain confidence. And now I help women become more mindfully aware, incorporate a healthier lifestyle, optimize their health conditions and plan their dream retirement with confidence and ease. 

Continuing to ride the wave of your ambition but this time you focus on yourself.

Traveling the way you want feeling strong and confident.

Spending your time and intention accomplishing that project you always wanted to do but didn’t think it was possible.

Meeting the most interesting people and having lively conversations.

Working on that writing project so you can share yourself with the world. 

Playing pickle ball or golf with strength and energy.

Learning a new language so you can immerse yourself in different cultures or live abroad.

Start that retirement business so you can live your passion. 

A one-to-one coaching program for women over 50 who want to step into their retirement feeling capable and confident. 

And, that's why I'm so excited to share my program with you ...


Two Additional 20 minute laser coaching sessions to use when you need them.

quick to consume lessons with handouts

weekly 1:1 coaching sessions

Life is short. Create a bold retirement plan so you live your retirement with no regrets. 

lIVING the dream 

Incorporate a healthy lifestyle and optimize your health conditions.  

section 2
LIVING the Lifestyle 

section 1

I created this 12-week coaching program so you have everything you need to become more self-aware and mindful, live a healthier lifestyle, optimize your health conditions and create your dream retirement plan.  Retire Your Limits ™ provides a roadmap to a meaningful and healthy retirement.  This personalized coaching program draws from 3 sections. 

Retire your limits 

Introducing ...

Mindful awareness is the foundation of the program.




Living Mindfully

In this section, we will completely personalize your program to incorporate your desires, your learning style, your dimensions of wellness, your health conditions and your expectations.  Then, we will dive deeply into connecting with your authentic self.

Transition: You will learn the value of mindfulness in the retirement transition.  Like any life transition, retirement can be a stressful time. Mindfulness is a valuable tool to manage stress, enrich our lives and enhance our sense of well being. 

Self:  You will learn tools to reconnect with your deeper authentic self and recognize your intuition and become more mindfully aware.

Mindful awareness: You will learn how your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, judgements, and biases impact your life.  And in turn, you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and your needs and desires, allowing you to make decisions confidently and live a more fulfilling, authentic life. 

what's inside


In this section you will create a healthy lifestyle plan that includes nutrition, sleep, activity, and stress management.

Metabolism:  You will learn the different nutrition theories. You will identify your own dietary blueprint, how to create a personalized meal plan for your particular goals, and how to nourish yourself mindfully. 
Menopause: You will understand how your hormones affect the body, the microbiome and the estrobolome. You will gain an understanding of how hormones can be stabilized by your diet, activity, sleep and stress management.

Motion: Movement is an essential part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. You will better understand the importance of aerobic exercise, strength training, resistance, flexibility, and balance in your own life.  I will provide you with the resources and tools and guidance you need to start moving and feeling strong. 



In this section, you will get clear on how you want to be in your retirement.
You will explore your core values, strengths, passions and creativity.  Through a series of exercises and journal prompts, you'll have the opportunity to explore these aspects of yourself and gain a deeper understanding of what is important to you in your retirement.  This is an incredibly powerful and transformative experience.

Motivation: A clear vision is a powerful motivator. Through guided meditations and visioning exercises, you will create a vision for your health and your retirement that resonates with your values and aspirations. 

Momentum: Clear goals are essential for achieving success. I will help you set and track your goals, so you make steady progress.  Habits are an important tool for making lasting change, and you will develop systems and habits so you gather momentum towards your goals. I will be with you every step of the way.

Mindset:  You will understand how your thoughts, feelings and beliefs impact your decisions and your actions.  You will learn about resistance: what it is and where it came from.  And you will learn skills for overcoming resistance so you can live a healthy lifestyle and create a bold vision for your retirement..

Mastery:  It can be difficult to maintain lifestyle changes, and it's not uncommon for women to slip back into old habits. I will help you maintain the lifestyle changes you’ve made to support your retirement plans. 



Coaching is life changing.  As you embark on this new beginning, I am your guide. I am by your side every step of the way for support.  I don't tell you what to do though.  I help you find your own answers.  In our coaching sessions,  I ask a lot of questions that help you to see yourself authentically.  I may provide tools along the way to help you implement healthy lifestyle changes.  

HOW CAN coaching help me? 

I got you!  I am available weekdays for text and email support. This program also offers two bonus emergency laser coaching sessions to be used whenever you are feeling stuck or frustrated. 

What if I need to reach you in between coaching sessions?

This program is individualized to your specific needs.  The more time you devote, the more you will get out of it.  I recommend a minimum of 4-6 hours per week. This includes weekly coaching session, doing your own homework,  mindfulness practice and self reflection.  This does not include incorporating healthy lifestyle changes.

How much time will I need to devote to the program?

This program is for ambitious forward-thinking generous women with retirement on the horizon. She wants to live life to the fullest.  She has been focused on everyone else and has lost herself.  She is concerned about her health is stopping her from dreaming big for her retirement.  But, life is short.  She has decided that now it's her turn. 

who is this Program best for?



 Although I am a licensed nurse practitioner, I am not your provider.  I am your coach.  My understanding of your health condition can be very helpful in exploring your feelings and choices about your health condition, communicating with your healthcare team, and helping you implement lifestyle changes to optimize your health condition.  And as a bonus, I offer a free coaching session to help you get the most out of your often way too brief medical appointments.  


how to get the most out of your medical appointments.

In this bonus 30 minute coaching session, I will help you partner with your medical providers so you get the most out of your brief medical appointments so you feel heard, you get all of your questions answered and understand all of your options and instructions. 

Bonus #2

Together, we customize a recipe collection with one week's worth of recipes to jump start the nutritional portion of your healthy lifestyle journey.  Your recipe collection include beautiful illustrations, nutritional information and cooking instructions.

Hand selected recipe collection - based on  your Personalized nutritional blueprint. 

Bonus #1

In Addition To The 12 week program you, you will receive the following bonuses.


I want you to love it!  If for some reason you are not satisfied with the program, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked.  


30-DAY money back


$300 USD

90 minute laser coaching
in 2 separate sessions - focus on a specific problem

Special Offer

  • 12 weekly 1:1 coaching sessions
  • After visit summary and handouts to support our sessions
  • Email and text support 
  • 2 twenty minute emergency laser coaching sessions
  • Bonus: Recipe collection to reflect your personal dietary blueprint
  • Bonus:  Thirty minute coaching session - how to get the most out of your medical appointments. 

$1,500 USD


Most Popular

BEST Savings

$600 usd

3 monthly payments

Pay Monthly


let's do this

What do you think? The Retire Your Limits coaching program provides everything you need to live a healthier lifestyle and create a retirement plan with confidence and ease. Are you ready?

You knew exactly what you want in your retirement.

You felt healthy, strong and confident?  

You weren't always worried about your weight, your pain, your health problems.

You were free of the mental blocks that are stopping you from moving forward with your dream retirement?

You had a plan and the support you needed to make your retirement dreams a reality? 

What would your life look like if...

Let's be real for a minute, can we?

what would your life look like if you Stay the same ... 

Are you ready to become more mindful, live a healthier lifestyle, and plan your retirement with confidence and ease?

12 weekly 1:1 coaching sessions

Weekly individualized lessons

After visit summary and handouts to support our sessions

Email and text support 

2 twenty minute emergency laser coaching sessions

Bonus: recipe collection based on your personal dietary blueprint to help you plan your meals

Bonus: Thirty minute coaching session - how to get the most out of your medical appointments.

To summarize this remarkable offer, you will receive:

Let's Recap

$300 USD

90 minute laser coaching
in 2 separate sessions - focus on a specific problem

Special Offer

  • 12 weekly 1:1 coaching sessions
  • After visit summary and handouts to support our sessions
  • Email and text support 
  • 2 twenty minute emergency laser coaching sessions
  • Bonus: recipe collection based on your personal dietary blueprint.
  • Bonus: Thirty minute coaching session - how to get the most out of your medical apts. 

$1,500 USD


Most Popular

BEST Savings

$600 usd

3 monthly payments

Pay Monthly

What do you think?  The Retire Your Limits coaching program provides everything you need to get clear on what you want in your next chapter, live a healthier lifestyle and plan your retirement with confidence and ease.  Are you ready to get started? 

Payment Options

The information on this Website operated by Gayla Joy Wellness, LLC, is for general information and education on health and wellness only.

By visiting this Website, you have not retained Gayla Joy Wellness, LLC, to give professional advice and the information on the Website should not be considered a substitute for professional advice.

Gayla Joy Wellness, LLC, makes no warranty as to the accuracy, validity, timeliness or completeness of any information on this Website or any Website that can be accessed through this Website.

Gayla Joy Wellness, LLC, assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, indirect, special, consequential, punitive or incidental damages of any kind, whether brought in contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with this Website, the inability to use this Website or the use, reliance upon, or performance of any material contained in or accessed from this Website, or any linked Website, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.

Gayla Joy Wellness, LLC, is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of any information on this Website.

Although Gayla Beyer (Gayla Joy Wellness, LLC) is a licensed nurse practitioner, this relationship is not a provider-patient relationship. It is a coach-client relationship. I will not be your nurse practitioner. I can help you find the right health care providers for your health and preferences, but I do not provide any direct medical services. I may help you find the answers to some basic health and wellness questions, but this does not ever replace or supercede the advice of your own healthcare provider.

Information on this Website may be changed or updated at any time without notice.

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